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How To Improve Your Bounce Rate

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

How To Improve Your Bounce Rate

After reviewing your Google stats, you discover your bounce rate for the landing page is above 90%. This means 90% of your viewers are coming to the site and leaving. Perhaps this is not the site that they were looking for or you did not catch their attention. Research has shown, you have less than 8 seconds to grab the users attention before they decide if they are going to stay or leave the site.

One of the best ways to improve this percentage is to catch the reader's attention with strong keyword-rich headlines. Here are some ways to capture and improve the bounce rate for your website.

1. MAKE HEADLINES EASY TO READ. Users usually scan copy on a website, especially if the content is really long. So, make the copy simple to read with short keyword phrases.

2. DON'T SOUND LIKE A SALESMAN. Most of us tune out the salespitch, since we see and hear daily ads everyday. You want your headline to be freindly and not overbearing. Capture your readers attention with friendly valuable information.

3. DON'T FORGET SUBHEADINGS. If you have strong content but it tends to be long, break-up the copy by using subheadings. These are useful and most readers will scan down to this information within the copy. This gives them a preview of the copy that they are about to read.

4. UPDATE YOUR HEADINGS. This is an easy way to refresh the copy on the website by simply updating the headings or subheadings. This is a benefit for you and it keeps the site in the search engines. Once a site has been indexed by the search engines, it is always looking for fresh content. This way the website does not become static over a period of time.

5. MOST IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include keywords in your headings and subheadings. You need to know what words drive your site and to be included in your copy. But most businesses forget to include these important terms within their headings or subheadings.

Using some of these steps can improve your bounce rate and help direct traffic to the user that maybe looking for your product. This assurance is good for the potential client and let's them know that they are in the right place for business.

Just remember "content is king". About Designedbycarla We build your business online with marketing ideas that work for you. Designedbycarla has been a part of the online marketing industry for over 20 years and specialized in many aspects of (SEO) Search Engine Optimization. We are an experienced marketing & consulting company based in Huntsville, Alabama, and specialists in niche marketing. We appreciate working with small to medium-size businesses to build an excellent partnership with our clients to understand their business thoroughly.

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