Sunday Morning Coffee
Thank you for sharing your coffee with me this morning. It means the world to me that you would spend Sunday morning reading my email. We have been busy these last few weeks getting ready for the end of the year. Over the years, I have learned that creating a production month to plan the next year's goals is essential with the team. Strategy planning is critical, so you have plans in mind for each year as your business grows. "Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient for every successful innovation." — Clayton Christensen, economist and Harvard professor. So for next year, what are your goals? Write them down and create a plan for how you're going to achieve those goals. If you have not noticed, each month, Nicole records a monthly video with a pdf download so you can track your business goals. We hope this will give you direction and focus and help you stay on track. View Our Business Tips Ask yourself right now if you're the VIP member of the struggle bus. We all know that you may be overwhelmed with webinars, overfilled emails with joining this program, or learn this new skill during 2020. I need to say; you've got this! You can do it! I'm here to help. xoxo Carla

Frustrated with your marketing? Feeling stuck? Our team at Designedbycarla can help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level with our expertise. If you're ready to begin, reach out to our team today. We're excited to help!